Qtile is a full-featured, hackable and dynamic window manager with small resource consumption while being easy to customize. Garuda Qtile uses which makes it easy and convenient to launch application without remembering keybindings. Other features include pywal-colors integrated dmenu and terminal and the Sweet-Dark theme.
Configuration file of qtile: ~/.config/qtile/config.py
Autostart script ( runs at every login/boot): ~/.config/qtile/scripts/autostart.sh
Pywal script (add/remove directories for wallpapers): ~/.config/qtile/scripts/autostart.sh
Super + x Quit Qtile (logout)
Super + q Close Application
Ctrl + Alt + o toggle picom/transparency
Super + Shift + {⇠,⇢,⇡,⇣} Move Windows
Super + f Toggle Fullscreen
Super + Shift + r Restart Qtile
Alt + f Firefox
Alt + w Garuda Welcome
Alt + p Free to use
Alt + m Pcmanfm (Filemanager)
Alt + e Emacs
Super + v Audio Control
Super + d Main Menu (Application Launcher)
Super + Shift + d Dmenu
Super + Return Alacritty
Super + Return + Shift Pcmanfm
Ctrl + Alt + t Termite
Super + w Change wallpaper and colorscheme
Super + Space Toggle Layouts
Super + Shift + {1-9} Send window to desktop{1-9}
Super + Shift + f Flip layout for monadtail/monadwide
Garuda Qtile uses a Python script to change wallpaper using keybinding (Super + w) and on every login/boot with a new color scheme matching wallpaper integrated with dmenu and terminal color scheme. It means on every login/boot or using keybinding (Super + w), there will be new wallpaper and matching color scheme for dmenu and terminal. You can add your own wallpaper directory by editing ~/.config/qtile/scripts/pywal-colors.py
as shown below:
Edit the line starting withe = "/home/rohit/mydata/Pictures/wallpapers"
and change/copy the path to your wallpaper directory.
The files should be self explaining, if there are questions concerning the setup feel free to ask them in our forum! 😊